How to prevent listeriosis before, during and after treatment.
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Can I eat eggs?
Yes, if cooked through i.e no runny yolk.
How should I store eggs?
Eggs can be stored at room temperature.
Can I eat meat?
Yes, if fully cooked and piping hot.
Can I eat rare/medium steak?
No, all meat must be fully cooked through.
Can I eat ready meals?
Yes, if fully cooked and piping hot.
Which yogurts are safe?
All pasteurized yogurts in packets/tubs are fine, including probiotic.
Can I cook, chill and reheat meals?
Yes, if chilled when stored under 5 degrees, then fully cooked and piping hot & consumed within 2 days of original preparation.
Can I eat smoked meat/fish?
Yes, if fully cooked after smoking.
Should I avoid ice?
Avoid ice in public. It is fine to make ice using a clean ice tray at home.
How should I safely store food in the fridge?
Store raw meat and poultry in clean, sealed containers on the bottom shelf of the fridge. Keep cooked meat separate from raw meat and ready-to-eat foods.